Imagine living life from a place of personal power, no longer a slave to your programming or external circumstances. Shedding your experience of shame, guilt, confusion, sorrow, doubt, lack of worth, urgency, time constraints, fear, judgment, entitlement and more.

You’re Invited into this



A Year-Long Mastermind to unlock Divinity's Codes towards the path for more Play, Pleasure, Passion, Purpose & Prosperity. Within this transformative container, you’ll find true freedom through Devotion, self-love through Play, and the innate Magic stored within your very own DNA.

Discover the scroll for your life

  • Uncover/create your personal prophecy to align you with your desired future

  • Step into your voice and own your dharma

  • Face the fears that have held you back

  • Make peace with the past, create your future and feel so alive in the now. 

  • Discover the playground that has always been waiting for you 

  • Create greater Wealth, Health & Happiness 

  • Claim your co-creative powers and align with the Divine's design for your most pleasurable life.

Meet Your

Divine Conduit…

  • Sara Morell

    By the age of 37, she successfully made over a million shared profits in real estate, and owns successful rental properties- doubling and sometimes tripling her investments -she is the creator and leader of multiple women's programs, a public speaker, and a Humanitarian & Educator to women. She is the Founder of E.L.L.S.S.A, a global nonprofit that helps fund a school for children, and the Owner of @natureofnomore- natural product line.

    She turned her life around from being classified as disabled, poor, and very unhealthy & using substances to mask the pain, to thriving, abundant & unbelievably happy.

    Traveling to more than 40+ countries, Sitting with shamans in the Colombian mountains, master healers in India, and working with orphans around the world- Nepal, Honduras, and Indonesia- are just the tip of SOME of her manifestations.


The Investment

  • Pay In Full


    When you choose to pay in full, you’ll also have the option to enter into a private group of women to discuss collective real estate investment opportunities.

  • 12 Month Payment Plan Option

    $222 one-time fee & $1852/month